Saturday, March 29, 2014

Australian Art Scandal- Amanda Maceda

Subhash Kapoor is under trial for looting antique staues from India in a multi-million dollar enterprise. He sold two staues to Australia, one that was in the national art gallery of Australia, the other in the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Australia is suing and claiming that Kapoor forged certifications about the statue and that they didn't know it was stolen. "It said that if proven, they would have been the victim of an audacious act of fraud." source:
Well kids, we got an art forgery on the rise.For all we know, Australia could have know about how the statues were stolen and bought them anyway. They probably didn't, though ( I trust those Aussies). What concerns me most is that these statues and more were stolen right under India's nose. They should boost up their security when it comes to the fine arts.

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