Monday, June 2, 2014

It only takes three months for man to come home, all thanks to the leaders glory. Long Live Kim Jong Un! by Gabriel David Giron Vives

Summery: After severe injuries a man was brought into the hospital in Gangdonggun. After 3 months, he was cured almost to full health! He will have to take some medicine but he'll not have to pay a cent for any of it! This is because of the grace and hospitality of The Great Leader Kim-Jong Un! Praise him for his greatness!


Surely appreciate the socialist system in our country it majorly affected how will the fate of the patient ended!
Praise to the grand leadership and the party!

In celebration let us sing the song of our people!

Here is the place of source for the article.

May the glory of the party bless you all!


  1. While I think that having a functioning public health care system is fantastic, I have a feeling that you are being a bit sarcastic or satirical (in a good way) because this is propaganda since it's such a wondrous story and that it's from a North Korean newspaper (and that the public health care system there is not all it's cracked up to be, which is unfortunate).

  2. This is great satire! It is satire right?

  3. Well, healthcare is paid for too in many other countries, but it's just more developed in some than others!

  4. I was a little confused by this story it sounds more like an advertisement ... but i guess health care is good
