Monday, January 12, 2015

Paris Shooting by William Perry Esping

There was a shooting in Paris, France recently. It was an unsuccessful attempt by an Islamic terrorist to free his friends that were pinned down by police in an warehouse by an airport. One man with a semi-automatic rifle started shooting up a market and taking civilians as hostages. He threatened to kill them if the authorities wouldn't let his friends go. French authorities did not negotiate with the terrorist and 17 people died as well as the gunman and his two friends.

This is why we need to have checks and balances in our army. I read in another article about a U.S. soldier who was ordered to kill an Arab civilian. This soldier has now testified and his superiors I believe were incarcerated. Stuff like this is what turns peaceful Muslims into terrorists. Imagine if you were bothered everyday by people to join their cause and then the people they are against kill your family. That is why people join these organizations and then they get wrapped into the propaganda it teaches.

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