Monday, October 3, 2016

Ellie Bush current event #1- 2nd 6 weeks

Thousands of women protested in the streets of Poland to hopefully ban abortion. They were wearing black, linking arms, and holding banners that said #CzarnyProtest. Abortion rights activists also urged people and spread the world through social media for women to refrain from domestic duties. Poland's abortion law is one of the most restricted in Europe.

I, personally, understand why abortion has been so problematic throughout many many years. On one hand, it should not be ok to kill unborn children, but on another hand, if the pregnancy was not intended, and the parents are not stable enough to care for a child, then they could have the option to terminate it. However, if that was the case, the parents could give the baby up for adoption. Abortion is very controversial and has been for many years. This article was probably written to inform people that abortion protests are still happening today and in different countries around the world. It is a worldwide controversy that has not been concluded and I don't know if it ever will.


  1. i can see both sides of the argument. what if you were raped? would you want to hold your rapists baby in your stomach for 9 months, then explain to your child that their dad/mom is a rapists and is in prison? and the other side i can see because you are taking life which is totally wrong of course. so i guess it all depends .

  2. I agree that there are 2 valid points to this argument. I would say that you may get an abortion if you have a very valid reason, such as you don't have the money to care for the child, etc.

    1. Your example about how if they didn't have enough money to care for a child is a good point. However, they could give it up for adoption and everything could work out.

  3. Honestly abortion is wrong but again with the situation abortion might be the only option. I believe what those woman did where right!

  4. I also agree with the double reasoning behind this. I mean I'm not implying that abortions are a good idea, but if a women some how winds up pregnant, she should have that kind of choice am I right?

  5. I agree it can be controversial, but I think people should just be independent. To each their own

  6. I understands both sides ... what if the mother doesn't have everything together and she can't take of her baby .

  7. I agree that it is not okay to kill unborn children. However, I would think it would be the decision of the pregnant woman whether she was or wasn't ready to go through that kind of stage. I personally don't want any terminating involved, even if the person isn't ready. I mean, the women should know what kind of risk they are taking by getting involved. So, I think that a newborn baby can also be given up for adoption if the the mother doesn't want it. Life is a valuable lesson for everyone and everyone makes some mistakes, no matter how risky.
