Tuesday, October 4, 2016

"Killer Clowns" Threating Dallas ISD Schools

The killer clowns threats are all over the Internet! They have been spotted on Skyline High School grounds. They have posted pictures of Greiner Students and said "They are our next victims." They have also said they plan to attack W.E. Greiner and due to that they were on lock-down all day Monday. They also said they plan to attack Townview, Woodrow and another school. Dallas ISD and Dallas Police Department are working together to stop these 'Killer Clowns."


  1. I completely disagree with what the "killer clowns" believe here. This world has literally gone to so much shi... that school isn't even safe anymore. It's ridiculous.

  2. I think it wasn't a thing at first but as it got more popular people started actually doing it. Sometimes a joke can be taken too far.. I hope all the schools stay safe, including ours.

  3. I believe the "Killer Clowns'" threat is an example of how social media can be used in harmful ways. This is why it is important for individuals (regardless of age) to be very cautious when using any form of social media.

  4. this is another instance of a real world event spiraling out of proportion due to social media. people are so gullible
    -logan mook

  5. this is another instance of a real world event spiraling out of proportion due to social media. people are so gullible
    -logan mook

  6. (THIS IS MARCUS CONTRERAS) This goes to show social media is getting out of hand and that people should learn to use it responsibly. What a shame.

  7. That's why I make sure I don't post everything I do . And I use to go to Greiner and if I saw that they were watching me I would be terrified .

  8. Honestly when somebody sees a clown they don't report or call 911 they just record and post it on the internet like its cool. How could the police progress with out the help of the victims. It just isn't fair to see that when a clown commits a crime its ok because "its just a clown."
