Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Is the Dead Sea dying? M'Lynn Musgrove

Bill Weir from CNN talks about his travels and an impromptu trip to the Dead Sea taken a few years ago. He is now in fear of the Dead Sea's slow downfall. Weir talks about the history behind the infamous body of water. He came to find out that the cause of it all is the River Jordan is also slowing becoming nothing. The river is now a militarized zone. He describes walking down it as a tragedy because no one remembers what it used to be.
I think its sad that such historical places are wasting away and no people are doing anything to help. Although not everyone agrees with the teachings and occurrences of the place, I think it is important to remember.


  1. very interesting topic but how can the dead sea be dying if its already dead? #NoPunIntended

  2. I agree with you. You should remember historical places.
