Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Nepal Earthquake, Death Toll Over 4,400 | Trent Hagar

Original Article

The earthquake that struck Nepal on Saturday has completely devastated the small country. Currently, India is leading as the major aid to Nepal, but countries around the world are pitching in. Currently the terrain and power outages are making the situation increasingly more difficult.

Nepal has not suffered an earthquake of this measure in 80 years. Mt. Everest, the mountain Nepal is best known for, was created by two tectonic plates that smashed together vigorously. This to me says that the area should have been more prepared for a disaster such as this one, as another major earthquake was not hard to predict. This being said, it is my opinion that during the rebuilding of the areas effected the greatest, there should be significant fortifications constructed to better control the situation the next time something like this occurs.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that further precautions should be made, but its also really difficult to prepare for such chaotic disasters such as these that are far beyond human control.
