Monday, September 22, 2014

Explosion at a Chinese Firework Factory Results in Many Deaths: by Samantha Arthur

A firework factory in Southern China had an explosion that killed 12 people and injured 33 people. No one is sure what caused the explosion, but most believe it has to do with safety hazards. China hasn't had the greatest safety regulations, but it is improving so hopefully deadly explosions will not happen again.

What is scary about this explosion is the fact that China produces more fireworks than anywhere in the world, and if they don't have very good safety regulations in their factories, bad things are bound to happen. Factories need to have adequate safety rules, especially when they are dealing with something like fireworks, People need to be able to work in a safe environment.  


  1. I 100% agree. It's really quite surprising such important regulations haven't gone into full effect. Or perhaps they have and the employees may not take them as seriously as they should have. Hopefully they find the cause of that explosion so whatever has to be done is done.

  2. Last year I studied some of the work conditions in Asia but more specifically China. I know for a fact that the conditions are horrible and workers began committing suicide because of the fact that they live and breath factories. I think this is an issue in itself but this makes factories even more unsafe.

  3. They should take better precations of the handling of fireworks. Are the families of the workers grieving? Yes .So true. They need to step it up.

  4. M'Lynn is right, working conditions in factories do need to improve in China. If a job is so bad you end up taking your life, the people running the factory should do something about it! Hopefully they find out how the explosion happened so that they can prevent it from reoccurring, and establish better safety rules.

  5. This might be a really silly question, but do most fireworks come from China? Besides that, did they originate there? And working conditions in China are known to be horrible; it's disheartening, but that's why a lot of American companies have factories there. It's a lot cheaper without all of the government regulations, so they are able to enjoy more of the fruits of the their labor.
