Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Natalia Hernandez- KKK and it's "shoot-to-kill" migrant children plan at the border and leave the corpses as a warning



 In the current situation of the border crossing crisis, the KKK have come forward pushing for the idea that by shooting and leaving the bodies of children crossing the border, a powerful message will be sent to future illegal immigrants.
 Robert Jones, the Imperial Klaliff of the sect Loyal White Knights, states:
“To me, they’re breaking the law when they come here. If we can’t turn them back, I think if we pop a couple of them off and leave the corpses laying on the border, maybe they’ll see that we’re serious about stopping immigration.”
 Jones also states:
“These people are criminals to begin with when they come to our country. When they come here and cross our borders illegally, they’re breaking the law. What makes you think they’re going to continue to stop breaking the law once they get here? They’re going to continue breaking the law once they get here."


The children which the Klan call "criminals" are by all means not what they make people believe. According to the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, signed by President George W. Bush, entry into the U.S. by these children is completely legal. Jones has also been in the news, apparently voicing concerns over the KKK's recent 'candy and fliers' recruiting. Shooting children and even suggesting it, is all completely immoral and gruesomely sick. Something you would expect from an infamous cult such as the KKK. The claims that they have made, such as "We get thousands of people calling us a day, sending money, donations. People want to see more rallies. They’re begging us to come to their town.”  have been backed by absolutely NO evidence, and has no logic backbone. It based on their own hateful wishing. Killing a human being is something demoralizing and sinful. Killing an innocent child, who is doing absolutely no harm, is unmistakably s evil.


  1. That seems very hypocritical because by killing the children immigrants, that's making them more of a criminal than the children are.

  2. I thought the KKK wasn't a thing anymore? I guess I was wrong. I feel like people in the KKK are really just kind of dumb.
