Monday, September 8, 2014

"Twitter turns itself into a store with new buy button" by Tashina Amiro

Social media is an important factor in the 21st century; when a popular app/cite changes things up, it always seems to be important news. People are natural critics, so it is always interesting to see how they respond to these updates and changes.

With Twitter's new change, people will be able to use the app/cite as a mall besides all of its other features. For now, Twitter is only testing this change on certain people. Starting with a small group should give Twitter the ability to see how users respond, without losing everything the company had worked hard to establish. It will be interesting to see if  Twitter ends up proceeding with their mall move.


  1. Wow, sounds like social media is starting to go really commercial... It's easy to see that so many people use these apps for socializing purposes, but now the companies are opening up a whole new propaganda in order to gain even more profit.

  2. I think it is unnessasary for twitter to add things on to it's app when it is already popular. It makes thing confusing and is just another thing to figure out how to do.

  3. I agree twitter shouldn't add more things to the app it will just create confusion

  4. I think the buy would help the economy a bunch because almost everyone uses twitter and it'd be hard to resist using something so easy.

  5. I think it's pretty clear that everyone thinks that twitter is doing the most. I feel that technology is getting out of hand with all these new gadgets and accessories .. especially social media
