Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Craig Fleming 6-6

A man in Manchester unleashed a bomb at an Ariana Grande concert. The bomb was detonated outside after the concert and people were on their way out. Twenty-two people were killed and dozens were injured. Several people have been contained as suspects but the people of London are still shaken from the attack. Authorities believe he was backed by a large terrorism organization, but there is no sure answer for who is responsible. They found the bomb and are looking into where the parts came from to track down who is responsible. This tragic event is devastating. What I don't understand is why the bomb an Ariana Grande concert, which is most likely filled with teenagers, who don't deserve to die like this. Only a very sick person could commit a crime like this.


  1. God, this is so scary. How do we separate the actions of the radical few from the peaceful many-Logan mook

  2. This attack has been one of the hardest to understand. This is an act of pure evil.
