Monday, May 22, 2017

Racist Lawmaker calls for a Lynching by: Juliet Stowe

After the removal of the Confederate flag, along with other Confederate- glorifying monuments, from Louisiana towns, Mississippi Lawmaker strikes back. State Representative Karl Oliver calls the removal of the confederate symbols a crime worth of death. In his public comment he exclaims the act was "Nazi-ish" and "they should be LYNCHED!". He has promised to stop any acts such as this from happening in Mississippi. Though, it is safe to say that his threats don't hold much shock, considering he was forced to write an apology for his insensitivity the following day.

This is significant because it just goes to show how our country in becoming more and more hostile towards people of color. This is just one of the countless examples of people, especially white people, being insensitive and down-right racist. And while this was an empty threat, it still proves that America is sadly on the fast track back to "simpler times" AKA: racism and cultural/religious intolerance. this was a horrendous act, and should no go unseen.

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