Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Muslim attacked by Man By Madeline Cedillo 3rd

 Man sets Fire to UK Muslim's dress
on NYC Fifth Avenue

By Madeline Cedillo

A woman that was staying in Manhattan, was returning back to the hotel she was staying.She was sightseeing in NYC.While she was returning, she felt something warn on the shoulder.She turned around and saw her arm on fire.She quickly turned it off and was questioned why her arm had caught on fire.She looked around and saw a man with a lighter.Luckly, she suffered no injuries and was just made a small hole in her dress.The man was taken in as a suspect and the police are looking for any witnesses.
In my opinion this was a hatred act because she was Muslim and was here on a visit.These crimes should be stopped at once.

Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37345442 


  1. That is despicable. I am so tired of America's Muslim phobia

  2. if this was a hatred act i am very disappointed. i feel like we are moving backwards rather than forward now and days.

  3. i feel like this world is messed up completely

  4. can't believe someone would even think its ok to do that. treating people like that because of religion in awful.

  5. We know Muslims are know for being terrorist, but that doesn't mean all of them want to do harm to the world. Just because of religion and there ethnicity doesn't mean they gonna blow us up with bomb. It's sad to hear that people will fear anyone for being Muslim. By:Edwin Guzman.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. People need to learn to respect other peoples beliefs.
