Tuesday, September 27, 2016

World's Youngest Airline Captain - Mila Fisher

A british woman at the age of 26 has become one of the youngest commercial airline captains in the world. She says many passengers and crew ask about her age and are "pleasantly suprised and impressed" when she tells them.
Kate McWilliams began flying in the air cadets at the age of 13, until her 19th birthday, when she went on a training program at CTC Aviation in Southampton. After that, she joined easyJet as a first officer in May 2011, and then recently, after passing the command course, she rose to the rank of captain. McWilliams said this on the subject: 
“Personally, I don’t think my age matters. I’ve been through the same training and passed the same command course as every other captain, so I’ve proven myself capable regardless of my age. I do now get asked how old I am on an almost daily basis, which didn’t used to happen when I was a first officer.”
McWilliam's accomplishments have laid the path for many youth thinking they're not talented or old enough to succeed, and she has shown us all that hard work and perseverance pays off in the end, especially if it's doing what you love. 



  1. I think it's amazing how she accomplished somthing like that at a young age, that's very inspirational.

  2. I can't believe she began flying at 13 years old, that's unbelievable! She should be proud ofor her accomplishments.

  3. I feel that she's very inspirational for people who would like to be just like her. It's good that we have people in our society that we can look up to.

  4. I definitely find this inspiring, not just for myself, but for everyone. I agree that it is a great accomplishment at such a young age. Anyone can pursue their dreams and shoot for the highest star. All they have got to do is believe in themselves, and they can do anything. Everything definitely pays off in the end.
