Sunday, March 26, 2017

Melanie Escalante- 3 victims in one night

Tommy Vladimir Alvarado-Ventura, an illegal citizen from El Salvador who is now a gang member in Long Island, was charged for criminal possession of a weapon, attempted murder, assault, and predatory sexual assault of a child. He has been deported 4 times and 3 of those times are because of criminal charges of a DWI, assault, contempt of court, false impersonation, and disorderly conduct. On Wednesday night, after sexually assaulting the 2 year old daughter of his girlfriend leaving her crying, he went to a bar where he got into a fight with a woman over weed. He beat her and proceeded by stabbing her multiple times. He then fled and went back home to see his girlfriend back from work. After seeing her daughters bruises, she got into an argument with him and he also stabbed her with a knife. He  claimed to be not guilty and court will be held tomorrow to handle his charges.

This makes me sick to hear of so much assault upon woman and children in one night. I don't understand how someone can just be so careless and hateful. He went from crime to crime to crime in one night and it's just so insane to me. If he's already done so much wrong then I can't imagine how much he probably got away with. It makes me sad when I plug it into present day politics. As we all know, our current president, believes that all immigrants are dangerous and should be deported. Although it doesn't apply to everyone, it does apply to this man. But because it applies to one person, others assume it applies to all. I shouldn't have to do this but I want to remind everyone that the actions of one person doesn't stand for a group of people. Furthermore, I hope this man pays for his actions and I pray for those assualted can recover both physically and mentally. I can't imagine how hard it must be to continue living a healthy life after such trama and I really just wish these victims the best with their future.


  1. As I read more and more of these, I become more and more worried to travel.

  2. This is very sad, and there is so much violence in the world
