Thursday, January 9, 2014

Young boy stops attack on school by Becca Hodge

A Pakistani boy named Aitzaz Hasan saw a man approaching his school wearing a suicide vest. The boy comforted the man and stopped him from blowing up the school, the sad thing is, this cause the boy to be killed by the man. Aitzaz was very brave and saved many lives.

I think this story is both inspiring and sad. It is inspiring how this one boy comforted a man who was about to blow up a school and stop him from making that choice. This story is also sad because even though he saved the school he couldn't save himself.


  1. wow this story is so amazing that boy truly is a hero for his school, i just wish he hadn't been killed.

  2. That is sad, it was nice of him to think of the others who would've died.

  3. That kid is very brave. The parents must be very proud but it is also terrible that their son had to die. At least his death prevented the loss of the other children's lives in the school.
