Sunday, May 11, 2014

Not The Right Culprits For The Cull Program - Max Gaddis

The Western Australian Government started a program in January that made it possible for them to catch sharks that roamed off the coast of the continent because they were "killing too many people". The program was included in their Shark Migration policy fund of $20 million dollars. The program ended last week after three months, but didn't reach it's goal of eradicating most of the Great White Sharks from that area; it killed over 50 sharks that were over 10 feet long, which was also its goal, but no Great White Sharks. The catalyst for this program was the killing of seven people in the past three years, which was seven people too much for the government. The program caught other sharks that were not over 10 feet, but too weak to swim away and they died. Conservationists disagreed with this act greatly.

I don't think the government should try to kill the sharks, I think the citizens of Western Australia should just not swim there if they know that sharks live there. Sharks have been living there for millions of years and all of a sudden humans decide to swim there and they get hurt so instead of just avoiding the area, they kill the sharks, which is really dumb to me.

1 comment:

  1. People need to realize that these sharks are having their homes invaded, which they're not used to by any means. Australians need to consider looking at the problem from the sharks' perspectives and seeing that the sharks are only using their natural instincts of self defense to protect themselves.
