Friday, May 9, 2014

Samsung trying to change things by: Eleanor E-W

Samsung has not been doing very well lately. It is not as effective and the design team has been unable to create devices that aregood competitors with other devices and actually effective. Change Dong-hoon has been assigned to take over the design strategy of Samsung.

I think Samsung has be come increasingly less popular, and I hope that they are able to make their designs better so people will buy there products more.



  1. While I never want people to go out of work, companies in the fast-paced tech industry come and go out of fashion quickly. I agree with you in hoping that Samsung improves, it's possible that it could soon be overtaken by better and newer companies.

  2. I agree I think that while samsung had some innovative products, recently they are becoming less popular, I would hope that they would make some improvements, otherwise I think it would be good to have another company start up

  3. I think the iPhone is just about on its last leg for iPhones. Once they're done, people will start switching to androids such as Samsungs.
