Tuesday, January 8, 2013

California man burned his girlfriend? Sydney May

Sydney May

     In California, but two days ago, a man was arrested for burning his girlfriend(literally). According to the police, the couple, Dexter Oliver and Star Lamare, were in a 6-month rocky relationship that Lamare wanted to end that Sunday. They went to the laundromat, and on the way there, she told him that she wanted to break up. He left, went home to get some gasoline, and ten minutes later, he had lit the woman on fire. He wasn't caught right away, but when confronted by the police, he confessed right away. It is so odd to me how far people will go with their anger. This article was written by Lisa Fernandez and Monte Francis. It was a frightening article, but an interesting read. I did not detect any bias in it, which is always nice. Also, I think that this would probably be for people who do not have visual brains, as it is not a pleasant image to conjure up. All in all, this was a nicely written article that sent chills up my spine. It has never made sense to me how people can preform acts of violence that severe. I hope the girl ends up to be okay, and I hope her life will continue as normal afterwards.



  1. This is ridiculous and I cant believe someone would do this over a break up. I hope that the woman can recover from this tragedy.

  2. This is a really sad situation and I hope the lady recovers fully.

  3. This guy NEEDS JESUS. That is just ridiculous.
    -Abraham Correa

  4. Amaria Stern
    Sounds like some Anger Management classes would really come in handy after he is released from prison.
