Sunday, January 6, 2013

U.S. Mother Fights For Her Russian Daughter by Lashaun Morgan

Summary: Kendra Skaggs a U.S citizen  that was adopting a 5 year old Russian girl named Polina might not be able to get her. A Russian law that was just passed which not allowed U.S citizens to adopted Russian children. Sadly Kendra put out her request to late and had to wait 30 days for an okay, but by this time the law was already put into affect. The mother with a sad heart start writing blogs to try to get people to reach out. Luckily some Russian began to rally on her side and also so some U.S citizens she got dozens of comments for help.


Analysis: This article was written to inform you about this mother and 46 others loss since the law was passed. In hopes that you would encourage the mother and join her in her fight to get her daughter. I believe that what she doing is right I would fight for my kid too. I hope that she gets custody of her daughter very soon. I would hate for her to not get her daughter and that the girl  have to grow up in a orphanage.


  1. I think that it is terrible that the Russians will not allow Americans to adopt children from their country. I hope that this is changed in the following years.

  2. Amaria Stern
    I understand that different countries have conflicts, but Russia should have allowed those parents who had adoptions in process before the law was passed, or for those who were not aware of the law, to keep their adopted children
