Sunday, April 13, 2014

Website for the Deceased? by Anna Pickett

     Lin Jia of China created a website called "Life Black Box". A person would sign up for the website and post anything they want to. When the person dies, the things they posted are sent to people they choose to send it to. Many of the current users of the website have dangerous jobs, so they want to be able to tell people how they feel and everything they've kept hidden. Lin has created a blog with some people's final messages. Strangers will comment on the posts and send prayers to their soul. Lin's goal is to honor the dead.
     This is a strange but also very smart idea. I think everyone has thought at least once about what will happen after they die. This website probably helps ease a lot of people's minds. Since China has a lot of superstitions and traditions surrounding death, this most likely helps with it all. It makes me happy that strangers are able to leave comments for the deceased. It really shows that we all have to support each other and pray for each other because we aren't that different. Okay, now I'm digging a bit too deep into this, but it is a good idea!

1 comment:

  1. This seems kinda cool. I'm still a little confused on what the people posting of the website are doing but at least its with good intentions.
