Sunday, November 2, 2014

Reunited with Bentley Randi Thompson

Amidst loving squeezes and oohs and aahs (from her), and slobbery kisses and a wagging tail (from him), Nina Pham was reunited Saturday with her beloved King Charles spaniel and "best friend," Bentley. After a patient had been diagnosed with ebola, the disease was also transmitted to her dog Bentley This made headlines all across the world.Pham is the Dallas nurse who contracted Ebola after caring for Thomas Eric Duncan, the first patient diagnosed in the United States.


  1. This a really sad situation about the dog catching ebola, but I'm glad that they're reunited.

  2. I feel so bad for the dog, but I'm so glad she is reunited. Cause I don't feel many people take animals feelings into consideration. Dogs are man best friend!
