Monday, September 5, 2016

Youtuber facing jailtime for playing Pokemon Go in Church- Ashley Mendoza

    Russian Youtuber, Ruslan Sokolovsky is facing five years in jail for playing Pokemon Go in a church ( the Church of All Saints in Yekaterinburg). The video of him playing it was posted on his YouTube channel He has insulted the Russian church in some of his previous videos.Russian officials have claimed he has offended the Russian church and are charging him with offending religious sensibilities and inciting hatred towards the church.He was initially held for two months, but the sentence can reach up to five years.
    I believe that they gave Sokolovsky a harsh penalty for playing a game in a church, but then again he has criticized the church before so that must have contributed to the sentence. However, since the Russian Federation has set restrictions to religious freedom and has several laws concerning the church. For all we know this could be his first offense and should be given a lesser penalty such as a fine or a shorter prison sentence about a month or so.



  1. This is pretty ridiculous because in america we do these things all the time but it is a whole different world in other countries.

  2. This is pretty ridiculous because in america we do these things all the time but it is a whole different world in other countries.

  3. People need to learn how to respect other people or places even if they don't like them. This guy knew what he was doing and he did it for jokes.

  4. I agree that it was his fault for playing Pokemon in a place that he criticised and hated. But it's even Dummer for them to give him a longer jail sentence for not liking or agreeing with the church. That right there is just some people trying to force religion at its finest. I'm a atheist so I don't believe in any good, molecule religion, and even I don't listen to anyone trying to force me to something I don't like

  5. Also last comment by:Edwin Guzman

  6. I think it's his fault he's being punished for this. I personal don't like Pokémon Go but I'm not going to judge anyone who does. People just need to learn their boundaries and think about whether intruding into places is worth doing for a game.

  7. Playing a game in church doesn't seem like a crime, but then all different countries have very different laws and senses of what is right and appropriate. I agree that insulting the church in a public video probably had something to do with it.

  8. the punishment was harsh but he should have known that he shouldn't be doing that. many people may think that his punishment was ridiculous but that's how some countries are.
