Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jackie Brown - California sheriff: Youth who shot classmate felt he'd been bullied

Michael Martinez with CNN reports a California shooting at a high school where a 16 year old fired a shot gun twice because he felt he'd been bullied, which the Sheriff reported the young shooter saying Thursday night. (tonight)

The student had shown up late to school today, making it by the time 1st period was halfway over, & entering the school nervously through a side door. I do not believe a tragic incident as this would've been as easily accomplished at Booker T Washington considering that we have metal detectors, armed guards that search our bags, & all side doors are locked & not an entrance for visitors or students.

Why other schools to not follow this proactive procedure, I do not know.

1 comment:

  1. thats scary, it seems that there are more and more shootings.
