Monday, August 29, 2016

8/29/16 Earthquake in Central Italy - Theresa Dvorocsik

     Occurring this past Wednesday, August 24th a 4.9 magnitude earthquake hit central Italy destroying three towns and approximately 247 bodies. This article was produced the same day as the horrific events and was made to inform the world about the current events happening around us. Also to warn about the danger of an earthquake.
     A powerful earthquake struck early in the morning - 3:36am (Italy time) - trapping hundreds under tons of rubble. The original earthquake cause over two hours of over 200 aftershocks to impact tens of cities, killing and destroying more people, artifacts, homes, and business.


  1. I love spaghetti and I think its's sad that one of my bucket list countries were hit by a terrible natural disaster.

  2. I'm shocked that the earthquake had over 200 aftershocks. It is very sad how natural disasters happen like this.

  3. It might take Italy a while to recover from a devastation of this scale. I hope many neighboring countries help bring Italy back up from this. - Mila Fisher

  4. It's sad hearing what horrible things happen in the world but natural disasters are something were a long way from solving

  5. I've always wanted to go to Italy and it's so utterly terrible thing that it was hit by that natural disaster. It really makes you feel fortunate for what you have
