Monday, September 5, 2016

Ellie Bush Current Event #2

The population of Giant Pandas has risen 17% from 2004 to 2014. Since China has had more habitats available for the pandas, they are now considered vulnerable and are no longer endangered. However, the eastern gorilla is now endangered due to African hunting and civil wars.

As a panda lover myself, it makes me very happy that giant pandas are no longer endangered. There is still a chance that they could become endangered again since they are vulnerable, but I am hoping that they do not. It also makes me sad that eastern gorillas are now endangered. I knew that pandas were endangered prior to reading this article, but now they are not endangered and eastern gorillas have taken the place of the giant pandas. This article was probably written for animal lovers and people who would like to help out with the population of the eastern gorillas and save them from decreasing numbers. This article is important because it raises awareness for the gorillas and that we should help them.


  1. it's amazing that giant pandas are not endangered anymore. but i do feel bad for the gorillas *sniff sniff* R.I.P. HARAMBEE

  2. I personally LOVE pandas so this is super exciting and amazing how a population can grow because no more harm has come their way.
