Sunday, November 24, 2013

Doctor Who 50th by Becca Hodge

50 years ago, yesterday, a british sci-fi television show called Doctor Who aired it's very first episode. Since then, we have seen 11, well 12, well 13, doctors, 8 sonic screwdrivers, 33 series, 9 masters, 93 companions, 321 species of aliens, and 799 individual episodes. Yesterday afternoon, the 50th anniversary episode "The Day of the Doctor" aired all across the world. More than 10 million people tuned in to watch this special episode. This kind of number broke the world record easily, its competitor, X Factor, sat at 7.7 million people. This episode was taken very well and was liked by the pubic. It was witty, emotional and had you at he edge of your seat (MOFFAT!). With in the episode there were many surprise visits from former doctors and new doctors. Yes Peter Capaldi, the newly named 12th doctor, did make an appearance. There was a beautiful moment where they (Hurt, Tennant and Smith) were saving the world as always and brought in a little help. All 13, yes 13, doctors made an appearance. They started with William Hartnell and slowly went through all of the doctors saying inspirational things such as "commencing calculations" and "lock on to coordinates." In the end everyone lives and they are all happy. Another important scene is after they have "saved Gallifrey" they are back at the museum which is where they started. The doctors say their goodbyes and soon it is just the 11th doctor, Matt Smith, by himself. A mysterious man starts talking and we see the back of his head. The camera pans around and we see it is non other than Tom Baker, the fourth doctor. It is a very exciting moment for the audience given that we know who he is. The final scene is also very moving. We see Matt Smith walk out of the TARDIS and join a long line of men. As fans, you would recognize them as all of the doctors. He reaches an empty spot between David and John and finishes the line. And that is all we have of the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. Source

I as a huge fan of Doctor Who, I very much enjoyed this. I was lucky to see it in 3D and the whole experience was absolutely brilliant. I think it is amazing that so many people can connect over a television series. At the showing, there were so many people cosplaying (dressing up) as the characters (including me) and everyone was talking about how excited there were for the show. The amount of people interested in Doctor Who as much as I was, was astounding.  Its nice that people are all across the world, speaking different languages, wearing different clothes, came together and watched an episode of a science fiction show.

*my take on the show, you don't have to read this, I just wanted to say it . I hope all of the whovians reading this agree with me*
oh. my. god. where do I start? Rose, how about that? Billie wasn't even Rose! At points though, she did look at David with a little something in her eye if ya know what I mean. I think the most crushing part, emotionally, for me, was when they were all together and John says "Bad Wolf girl i could kiss you!" and David was just so confused. His reaction to that was so sad and ah I just can't. Next, Peter Capaldi. Literally, all they showed were his eyes and forehead and the entire theatre screamed.
^thats it. Also that blessed moment where Christopher was shown, that was just a knife straight for the heart. The entire rest of the show I was just waiting for him to come out and say "fantastic" or something of that nature. The fez. Let me just stop it at, David wearing a fez. John Hurt's doctor was a perfect doctor before 9, 10 and 11. He was very witty and smart-alecky which reminded me of 9. The Zygons. I was confused at how it ended. The doctor makes them forget whether they are human or Zygon but thats all we hear. Who knows if it actually worked. I do understand that they were not the main problem of the story and they Moffat had to elaborate on the bigger issue but it would have been nice if he could resolve it better. I think Moffat did a very good job of telling the sad story of the time war yet making it funny in many places. I give him a lot of credit for that. He is a great writer no doubt. I hope other whovians agree with me or not, please tell me in a comment, I would love that. 


1 comment:

  1. i was incredible an i would go see it a thousand more times if i could
