Monday, November 25, 2013

Lets play "Knockout"… By: Bella Morris

                  The new game, a game so serious 4 people have already lost their lives. Young groups of kids have been strolling around Brooklyn, New York playing this deadly game. The game works by walking up to a random stranger and twisting their neck, this game was inspired by the video game "Grand Theft Auto", changing fantasy into real life situations. Many people have been avoiding these attacks by not going into alleys or walking next to large groups of young teens. This game will hopefully not begin to be a trending game to young teens.

                 In my opinion, this is one of the most horrific things i have ever heard of. I can't imagine losing a family or friend due to some troubled teens re in acting a video game. This needs to end right now, four people have already lost their lives to this cause. The video game should at least get banned because young teens are getting inspiration from the violence we see in the media on a daily basis. All we can hope is that those numbers don't increase and this game comes to an end.



  1. I agree - these days games create such a distorted view if the world that it can drastically affect peoples', especially teens', lives, and they think that's okay. Probably one reason we have such a problem with underage drinking is because it's glamourized in popular music and movies. I'm not even sure why people take the time to create violent games, and imagine all the ways they can kill people. If that's not viewed as potentially dangerous, then something's wrong with our society.

  2. In my opinion, the game should not be banned. The teens are the ones who decided to do these things, not a game. Blaming the game is just deceitful- their mothers probably came up with it so their kids wouln't seem as pure evil as their deeds.

  3. This is so sad random acts of violence like this make me mad, these teenagers need to take life more serously how can you play a game that involves killing a stranger

  4. this is awful. i saw a news report on the game
