Monday, November 11, 2013

"White is beautiful": Why India needs its own Oprah Winfrey by Angelica Fischer

Many Indians feel the disturbing obsession with fairness is compounded by westernization. Interest reignites after Nina Davaluri, of Indian descent, was crowned Miss America. Many Indians go to get there skin whiten. Women and men have in store products to lighten the skin., like a white cream product. Some parents even force their children to stay inside because of the sun. People say that India needs someone like Oprah Winfrey to do for Indian women what the star did for black women in America - to make Indians proud of their culture, their heritage, their looks.

I think that this is crazy how they don't like the way they are born. I think that they shouldn't try to get whiter or darker they should just stay the way they are. Everyone is beautiful no matter what size, shape, or color!! I hope someone brave like Oprah Winfrey will stand up and help India.


  1. I think it's sad that they have social ideals like this in India. Personally I think a lot of darker skin tones are beautiful. I also think that just like India we have some ridiculous beauty standards, like pressures to be thin, but we just don't see them because we are immersed them thin it all the time.

  2. I agree with sam. All skin is just skin. Thats your child dude! You don't even know how he/she will turn out! It's a shame. A dang shame.

  3. This all personal opinion. And I think that the child should have a say in their skin's future.
