Wednesday, November 6, 2013

NASA Discovered First Bizarre 'Plastic Ingredient' on Saturn Moon-It's Surprising by Kegan Cole

NASA Discovered First Bizarre 'Plastic Ingredient' on Saturn Moon-It's Surprising

NASA has discovered a new plastic on the moon of Saturn, Titan. this is the first time plastic ingredients have been found on another world and it is a very exciting discovery. The Cassani Spacecraft was the space craft to discover it. It is currently gathering information on other moons of Saturn to see if there is any other evidence of this chemical.

I think this is very exciting because i find new discoveries interesting and i hope to see and here more about this. I am glad there are still being discoveries made and I'm happy we are still making progress in this huge universe.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what possibilities this opens up for us. Could it mean one day living on Saturn? What would we do with the plastic? I wonder if we'd just leave it be or if we'd take it back to use on Earth.
