Monday, November 4, 2013

Presidente Fights Obesity by Bob Cummins

     President of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto, launched an anti-obesity campaign on Thursday.  He wants what he calls "a change of culture", considering that seven out of ten adults in Mexico are overweight.  This new health campaign includes the installing of nutrition quality seals on healthy foods, a special 8% tax put on items that have at least 275 kilocalories per 100 grams, and an extra one peso charge per liter of sugary drinks.  The president of the Coca Cola branch in Latin America said that obesity also comes from genetics, bad diets, and sedentary lifestyles.
     It's wonderful that the Mexican president is concerned about his country's health, but a tax on certain foods might be going a bit overboard.  Imagine having to pay sales tax and an extra 8 cents when you by a liter of soda!  The Mexican government probably can come up with ways of promoting healthy lifestyles that are not by force, but this situation might be so dire that they have to put these taxes on unhealthy foods.


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