Tuesday, February 10, 2015

school lunches around the world 1 by emily henderson

I recently read an article for "My Modern Met' by Jenny Zhang about school lunches. She criticized americans for having unhealthy school lunches (which is obviously true.) This article was produced Feb 9, 2015 in an unknown location. Prior to this article, i have known other countries to have healthier meals than america in general, and have read several articles about americas lack of healthy food. This article was written for people whom have some interest in food, seeing this would most likely irritate many americans. This article was written to establish a point through photographic proof that americans are behind the rest of the world in terms of health. This article is important because it takes a stand for improving school lunches in america with untenable points.



  1. I agree with you, it's good to see that other people outside America are giving this attention. It pushes the school systems to actually DO something about it. Hopefully school lunches here will improve.

  2. I agree too, because not only are school lunches in America unhealthy, but the time frame to eat them is beyond minimum. This should be the first step towards America's initiative to make better lunches for kids.
