Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hurricane Sonia......JULIA WOLTJEN

SUMMARY: Hurricane Sonia has been moving on the west coast of Mexico, close to Baja California. It has had maximum wind speeds of 45 mph. Authorities are keeping a close eye on this storm but it has not caused any evacuations yet. This storm should be watched but not feared quite yet.

ANALYSIS: I hope that this storm doesn't cause any damage. I'm glad that they are keeping an eye on this storm.


  1. This is terrifying I hope nothing horrible happened!

  2. AHH! Hurricane season freaks me out so much! O_O

  3. I hope this hurricane isn't too bad!

  4. I hope that the storm doesn't cause much damage as well! It is better that people are not harmed, although I also hope that their houses don't get damaged too, because that could cost a lot of money to repair.
