Monday, April 10, 2017

Battling against Leukemia by Juliet Stowe

Leukemia as a disease has taken hundreds of lives, and will provabaly continue to take many more in our future. But is a newly engineered immune cell the key to wining the battle against this disease? Scientist have created an enhanced cell, called CAR-T cells, that works to specifically attack leukemia. The latest medical trial has shown a 95% success rate to people positively responding to the CAR-T cell. Though there are still kinks to work out, relating to the amount of given bone marrow for the project, this break through is looking good for people suffering from leukemia everywhere.

This is very important because with new technology it is only natural we do whatever we can to save lives. Hundreds die everyday, and hundreds live in agony becasue of diseases we are not yet able to cure. With a break through like this, though, we can begin to finally put an end to the suffering. Many people have their doubts about using genetic engineering, but many people also had their doubts about the automobile and I can assure you no one is walking to work who doesn't have to. As a species it is our duty to advance our societies and science like this just might be th next step.


  1. I have family members that died from Lukemia. One of my brothers friends, who is 12, has a rare form of lukemia. I really hope we find the technology and creativity to find a cure

  2. I hope this can be further expanded on and perfected to increase the success rate and hopefully one day it will be an open treatment to everyone!

  3. Wow, this is amazing. I sincerely hope that more research is done so we can save thousands of lives each year that are affected by this horrible disease.
