Monday, April 10, 2017

Miles Shickman Current Events

Justice Neil Gorsuch was just sworn in to the US Supreme Court after much controversy regarding his approval. To begin with, the seat he is filling was left nearly fourteen months ago, and the Tepublican Party refuses to allow the president at the time to choose a new one. Not only that, but Neil wouldn't have received enough votes at all had extreme measures not been taken. The democrats could have shut down this nomination, but the Repiblicans resorted to a "nuclear option," drastically reducing the number of votes required to approve a Supreme Court justice. This will lead to much more partisan and extreme justices. We can only hope that this isn't the first step towards a government entirely controlled by one party, but there's no guarantee.


  1. I sincerly hope that this is not a government controlled by only one party. That is just screaming for trouble.

  2. I sincerly hope that this is not a government controlled by only one party. That is just screaming for trouble.

  3. I don't think he should have been elected if he didn't even have enough votes until after the "rules" were adjusted.
