Monday, April 10, 2017

Brandalin Angrum 4



          Donald Trump sent an US missile over to Syria. Now Syria is coming for all of the states that voted for Trump and won majority of the votes. About seven to ten states are safe, and California is included in that count. In all honesty, I really hope that they don't send a missile our way. It keeps me wondering which state they are coming for first. Are we safe? Donald Trump said in the beginning that there would be no war with Russia, but when he wins the tables turn. I just don't understand how we can allow a single man to let this world go into ruins. Its not fair nor  do we deserve this. I also don't think its fair that we the children don't have a vote in all of this. Were citizens so why not change the rules? Allow 15+ to be able to vote. 

1 comment:

  1. I still don't understand why he sent those missiles over their in the fist place
