Tuesday, April 11, 2017

chantel washington #6

Bus blast injures Dortmund player

Three explosives caused windows to be shattered and 1 team member to be injured. The whole bus was part of a targeted attack. A note was later found from the attacker claiming what he had done.


  I feel that our whole world should just be a peace. I dont think that we should be violent towards one another because our lives MATTER!!!!!!!!! I also feel bad for the guy that got injured because they were probably off to have a good game just minding their own business. This article was probably written to inform everyone that there are people in this world that do not care about the lives of others and that we all need to try to be safe. 




  1. I agree with you, people should just be at peace with each other instead of being violent with one another.

  2. ^^^ This was a terrible thing that happened and goes to show that even if you and a lot of other people just want peace, some people just have no regard for fellow humans.

  3. Terrorists are a very real problem for the whole world. Hopefully, the United States can come together with other countries to combat this issue.
