Photography student Red Saunders, 23, pretended to be a babysitter and tricked the parents of two girls (ages six and eight) into allowing him to spend hours "playing games" with them. Saunders of Redhill, Surrey in England pleaded guilty to 24 charges, including raping the eight year old girl, sexual assault, encouraging children to engage in sexual activity and owning as well as making indecent images of children.
Saunders had taken more than 4,000 video and photographs of young girls. He had taken photography of himself abusing the children he "babysat", as well as editing footage he took from filming girls in parks with child pornography. Saunders also had an "abduction diary", where he recorded how to set out and abduct little girls, abuse them, then kill and get rid of their bodies.
While Saunders was told he may only have to serve a minimum of eight years in prison for rape charges, Judge Peter Rock said Saunders may never be released.
In 2005, Saunders was put on the sex offenders register for 5 years after photographing a five year old girl at a gym. He was also ordered to take sessions with a psychologist. At that time, Surrey Social Services said he had a "depraved interest" and "his fantasies included abducting a seven-year-old girl".
This article was so disturbing to read. How could a person be so screwed up, and have such crazy, abominable thoughts in their head? What I don't understand is how this guy was allowed to be around children after being charged and convicted before! Obviously, his first offense was not something to be taken lightly: a full investigation, including a psychological report, was carried out, he was deemed a sex offender, and he already had these abduction thoughts in his head. AT THE AGE OF 15. He should have been watched carefully.
I hope he gets jailed for life. If I were the parents of the eight-year-old girl who got raped, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if he was released.