Monday, November 19, 2012

Twinkies Merch Goes Up! By: Taylor Marsh

After Hostess announced that they will end the production of Twinkies, every one went crazy! There are already shirts made that say things like " Never Forget" and "Save the Twinkies". Twinkies have officaly become legendary. Every single piece of merchandise that has to do with Twinkies has gone up in price. For example, a lunch box with "Twinkie the Kid" on it sold for $690 on Friday. Isnt that crazy?



  1. It is crazy for such a fuss to be made over Twinkies! Somethings need to be forgotten - especially something so processed and unhealthy. I have never eaten a twinkie, but am glad they are gone.

  2. I'm going to miss them but also why is there such a big hype over such a small pastry?

  3. I must say, I could honestly care less about Twinkies. Why should there be such a huge fuss? I don't get how you could put so much of your energy into a extremely fattening food. But then again, I guess that's just one man's opinion.
