Monday, November 26, 2012

AND THEY ALL FALL DOWN: By Daizha Lankford

What Happens when a crash leaves 6 people dead? The mourning citizens of Italy found out just today. November 26th, 2012 the CNN wire staff  posted an article. A train taking its usual route through Rossano. The CNN staff quotes "All those killed had been inside the vehicle, with ANSA citing reports that at least some of them were Romanian migrant workers who had been picking clementine oranges in the region." The main point is that anything can happen anytime. Anybody can read this and feel a little emotional and sad. To think our safety everywhere is on the line with public transportation. I really hope all of the families and friends of the victims will get the closure they need.


  1. I guess you have to be very aware with public transportation anything can happen.

  2. Wake up call!! The world is becoming less safe everyday.......we really have to be careful.

  3. the world we live in is so unsafe even if we think we are being careful we can just never be careful enough

  4. Even unprotected harmless workers are at risk for any kind of danger like the rest of us. In these times, we all are at a slight risk of accident or death. Im sorry for these people who were lost.
