Friday, October 18, 2013

Bus falls off a cliff in Peru by Bette Rathjen
Last Saturday, a bus fell off a cliff in Peru. While headed to a celebration in the Santa Teresa district, the bus fell of a 656ft cliff. There were 51 people on the bus and every passenger was killed. 

This is horrible!!!! I think that Peru needs to do something so there wont be another accident like this. The article didn't really say what caused the bus to fall but there are some ways to fix a few things to prevent further accidents. One of the things they could do is make better roads to prevent accidents. A second thing they could do is build a railing or guard to protect vehicles. A third thing they could do is to educate their drivers better. All of these things could help prevent an accident one way or another. This is really awful and I hope that the families of all of the victims are safe and ok. 


  1. This is terrible! I can't believe a bus fell from a cliff! I agree with you, Peru should set more safety precautions to make sure this never happens again!

  2. Its not just Peru that needs to make their roads safer. I believe its in India that the worlds most dangerous road lies and people die on it nearly every day because of how narrow it is.

  3. I can't believe a bus fell off of a cliff. Peru needs to be safer not only with situations like that, but safer period!
