Monday, October 14, 2013

guy didn't breath for a month by Polly Hynds-Riddle

42 year old victor carlos was a normal marathon running father of 2 was just fighting a flu when it got much worse. Carlos got to the point in an infection where his lungs stopped working. Carlos needed oxygen quickly but the only way to do it was a machine that took blood from his heart and pumped it back in after oxigenizing it. this went on for over a month until Carlos's lungs miraculously began to work again. He is now bak to running full marathon lengths and enjoying his family's company

i think this is incredible i could never imagine this is possible but oh my goodness this man lived through not breathing for an entire month WOW! ISN'T SCIENCE GREAT?!?



  1. Hey! I analyzed the same story!
    And yeah. Science is great.

  2. That is so weird! Science can save so many lives just like that man's!


    I think thats cool. I mean, come on! Breathing takes so much ENERGY! It would be easier for everyone if we had machines to breath for us. Cooooooooooooooooool

  4. It's awsome that science is advanced enough to save peoples' lives in situations like this.

  5. Wow--a whole month with out breathing! that's pretty amazing! I'm glad he's doing fine now.

  6. I did this story too!! I think it's so cool that the man was able to survive for a whole month just breathing through that machine- I'm glad our medical equipment has advanced so much, other wise he'd probably be dead!

  7. It's truly amazing what medical machines can do these days. I'm so glad that this man is alright! It's really a miracle!

  8. Wow this is such a cool story! I'm so glad he is okay!
