Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jesus~ A marriage in the making? Adam Phan

This week, a newly revealed and presented document has been exposed to the public. On the 3 inch papyrus material scroll it is revealed; Jesus has made a reference of sorts to explaining or quoting of "My wife." Any mention of Jesus having a wife in the Old/New Testaments have not been revealed, experts in this matter then begin a hypothesis on how Jesus must have had a wife before his history was recorded. Could this be possible? This passage of Jesus's claim of marriage is written in "Coptic" an early Egyptian language used by the ancient Egyptian Christians. In the controversial novel Dan Brown uses the idea of Jesus being married to spark an interest in his novel. In "The Da Vinci Code" author Dan Brown makes a claim that Jesus was previously married to Mary Magdalene; A close disciple to Jesus. Many different specialists have varied perceptions on this newly marked article, using many different guesses and ideas of; Jesus referring to the Church as his marriage or something of this matter. The  mass of opinions about Jesus and his marks in life are quite the assorted guesses, only time will tell the answer. All information was found from- http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2012/09/18/fragment-suggests-jesus-was-married/?hpt=hp_c1
-On a side note, let's all give Mrs. Countryman's baby girl Charlie a warm welcome to the world!-


  1. Okay, I'm just going to throw this out there: Jesus may have had feelings for Mary Magdalene, but they weren't married. I mean, they could have been; I didn't live that long ago, but I think its highly doubtful that he was married because that is a major event in your life, and all the major events in his life were somehow recorded.

  2. Yeah, obviously there are a bunch of different opinions and views. I myself actually believe you here on your idea of Mary Magdalene, but as I quoted; A bunch of people have their ideas and Dan Brown's hypothesis was this. Yeah, I would imagine a big deal as such would be documented.

  3. This is like the Da Vinci Code all over again. Jesus didn't have a relationship. He was a human being and might have felt feelings for women as men usually do. But, he was not involved in a marriage.
