Sunday, September 23, 2012

Man's daring jump to nature. Adam Phan

     David Villalobos, a 25 year old man is hospitalized after jumping in a tiger's den in the Bronx Zoo. Last Friday around 3 PM, Villalobos made a jump out of the zoo's "Wild Asia" Monorail attraction into the den of    the varied species of tigers held at the Bronx Zoo. Many speculators thought of this as a suicide attempt, but according to Paul Browne the NYPD chief spokesman claims~ This jump was merely based on bonding with the animal. Villalobos was hospitalized with; a broken shoulder, broken ribs, collapsed lungs, broken ankle, broken pelvis, and puncture wounds. Villalobos claimed to have pet one of the tigers before making a quick escape into the so called "Hot wired areas". These areas separate the tigers from endangering the zoo's plant beds or fellow animals. Villalobos is charged with trespassing of private property and is recovering from his "wild" jump.


  1. First of all, WHAT A NAME! Villalobos! haha...Anyway, I think that this man was not even thinking when he jumped right into the clutches of a tiger. I mean seriously...what kind of idiot just walks up to a tiger on a whim and thinks that it will not harm him. I hope this taught this man a lesson: Do NOT walk up to a wild tiger and try to bond with it...

    1. dont hate on the name luce. :D

    2. I ain't hatin! I was just awestruck by his majestic name! Bwahahaha! (⌒▽⌒)
