Monday, September 24, 2012

"young adults drop out of the job market" Sophie Goetzmann

      More and more young adults these days have been losing their jobs.  The drop is caused by 16-24 year-olds not wanting to find jobs.  There were about 450,000 fewer jobs then in August to July.  Only 27,000 young adults are looking for jobs. This is a huge problem because the people are getting lazy.  The unemployment rate went from 16.8% to 16.4% in July. ""I don't think they're more lazy. It's that there are less opportunities for them," said Heidi Shierholz.



  1. This is not cool. I think it's really hard looking for a job also. There are a lot of places that want people with experience and no one has experience because no one gives them experience because they look for people with experience, If that makes sense. I know I tried this past summer to look for one and I had no luck. Hopefully this summer things will get better.

  2. I think that young adults are getting degrees and are interested in job fields that are very popular, so they're competing head to head for these jobs. Meanwhile, other fields of work that aren't as popular (but are just as important) are being ignored. Maybe our schools should introduce us to all the different types of jobs out there, so more young people would be interested in everything.
    Or, maybe they are lazy, and maybe there are less opportunities. It could be a mixture of all three.
