Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hannah Menchu- Wave of violence sweeps Brazil's biggest city

Hannah Menchu - Wave of violence sweeps Brazil's biggest city

Last month I posted a blog about Brazil cracking down on drugs in the worst neighborhoods in Sao Paulo, Brazil's biggest city.  The government is trying to clean up the city before the Olympics are held there.

The drug gangs are fighting back.  In the last two weeks 140 people have been killed in the city.  In September 144 people were killed.  In the first nine months this year there have been 982 murders.  The victims include 90 policemen, mostly killed when off duty. 

Shops and schools closed early last week because of the violence. 

A prison gang called First Capital Command is suspected of coordinating and ordering a lot of the violence using smuggled cell phones in prison to contact their free gang members.  I am glad I do not live there and I feel sorry for the families that do live there.  If people would quit using drugs these gangs would not have any money.


  1. I very much agree with your last comment. If people stopped buying drugs from the gangs they would be out of money... and then what would they do?

  2. I also agree with that comment. Now in some U.S. states the drug marijuana is legal so it could increase the drug activity in many places around the world.

  3. This is horrible, the number of people that have died from this. I also agree with your comment. I also hope that they get it clean by the time the Olympics come or I don't know what they would do.

  4. This is just terrible. I can't believe that so many people were killed. I also can't believe that marijuana is legal is in some U.S. states. I really don't want drug gangs to start here. I also am so glad that I don't live there, but if drug gangs start in Texas I don't know what I would do. I would surely have to move because I don't want to risk my life living in a place with so much violence.
