Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Teachers train to face school shooter by scarlet chimney

Since the Connecticut Newtown shooting teachers are now being trained to be more prepared in case of a school shooting, they are learning how to take on fighters and more 

To me this is sad what the country had come to I strongly feel that if we just ran background checks before purchasing a gun the world would have a less percentage of shootings. A couple weeks ago a man killed people at a public place and the cops shot him. He was a convicted criminal already if they would have ran the background check on him then maybe he wouldn't have even had the gun 


  1. This is sad, but if it could happen, then they might as well be prepared.

  2. I think it is good that they are prepared for an accident but it is sad that our country is almost expecting something bad to happen

  3. This either really good or really bad. With all this death going around who can be sure whether or not this will really help. ah well. what can you do.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You bring up a good point about the background checks, except someone innocent could buy a gun and give it to a criminal. It would be very easy to bypass.

  6. This is good, but it is sad that we have to prepare for these kind of things. I totally agree about the background checks, if we just checked we wouldn't have to worry about these things.

  7. Its pretty freaky that this is becoming enough of an issue to be addressed in this way.But I guess if it is really necessary then it should be done

  8. I can't believe a situation like this is expected to happen. I'm glad that they are getting more prepared though.
