In the past couple of years, as we have all noticed, the weather around here has gotten much warmer and even dryer. It has gotten worse and worse and now agricultural meteorologists believe that if things continue to get progressively worse, then we may very well have another Dust Bowl on our hands.
This year, 63% of the contagious U.S. has had at least moderate to severe droughts, nearly twice as much as last year. In the past few years, we (Southwest U.S.) have broken hundreds of hot weather records, which contributes to the ever drying landscape of our beautiful country. Even irrigated land cannot hold enough moisture for crops to grow well enough to sell as anything better than cattle feed. Lakes have been drying up, leaving hundreds of fish carcasses to putrefy the air. Ranchers have had to liquidate some 14% of their cattle/sell cattle prematurely because it costs more to feed them than to keep them. Hurricane Issac's rains have brought relief, but not nearly enough for it to make much of a difference. The Dust Bowl had "wet spells", which included flash floods in the Great Plains, which could signify that we just might have another disastrous drought synonymous to the Dust Bowl. Sadly, there is not much we can do to prevent this from being any better than that of the 1920's, although we do have a significant advantage compared to the 1920's. We have this fantastically frustrating thing called modern technology, which may decide the outcome of this possibly horrific event that is not to far in our perspective futures. D:
*All images and information given here is from the little link above this
I posted this already