Friday, September 14, 2012

Texting and Driving = Bad!!

       An 18 year old, Mariah, died by reading a text message. She  died one day before her graduation. Her graduation gown was even in the trunk of her car. Her mother also gets interviewed by Sanjay Gupta. Texting and driving is very dangerous whether we can understand it or not. Us teens will be driving eventually, and I think it's important to keep the "It can wait" message in our heads. Sanjay Gupta questions her mother about what her idea of getting teens to understand such severe situations like these and her response was, "When you show them a drama, they go, "Wow, that's really impactful for the day." If you show them a story, "Wow, that was impactful for the week." But, when they meet the victums that seems to have the greatest impact." This really spoke out to me because it's true! Too often we think we know what's best and tend to overlook the serious effects it can carry along.The ratings of deaths like these are rising, so it's always important to keep everyone informed and knowing how popular smart phones, and electronics have gotten. Think of it as someone telling you, or your mom to drive while closing their eyes for 5 seconds? How would you feel? Not only is that dangerous, but it's the same things has reading a text or even responding. SUPER DANGEROUS AND SCARY. Spread the word, and even be more aware when you're in the car while someone is texting and driving. What if you could be the reason to save someone's life?



  1. I absolutely agree that people should not text and drive. Texting and driving is very dangerous and it needs to be stopped quickly. Once people ACTUALLY realize that texting and driving is very dangerous they might just stop!

  2. I don't understand how teens (as well as adults) can continue to text and drive. There are stories every day about people who are injured and killed by being on their phones! But still I see the obsession everywhere. I believe the only way to prevent this is by passing a law against texting and driving. The sooner the better.

  3. I agree with you Sarah, texting and driving is dangerous. You might think that it is harmless to take your eyes off the road for two second, but it could be the last two seconds of your life. If you are in the car with someone while they are texting and driving, I would tell them to stop or I would text it for them.

  4. I think that texting and driving should be illegal in all 50 states. All states should require hands free technology. We shouldn't have to wait for people to die to understand that texting and driving is dangerous. My condolences go out to this family and I hope that others have learned from this.
