Monday, December 24, 2012

Apocalypse? by Sarah Richman

When the movie 2012 came out in theaters, everyone was freaking out about how and when the world was going to end. In the movie, it states that the Mayan calender ends on December 21, 2012. People all over the world cam up with plans for how they would survive the explosions, zombies, floods, and radiation. The predictions were completely inaccurate and the only happening of any small amount of seriousness were 120 small earthquakes taking place all over the world.


  1. I forgot about that movie! That was one of the things that brought attention to the Mayan "End of the World" date. All the hype about December 21 was ridiculous. Well, it's over...for now.

  2. The whole apocalypse thing is done for now at least.

  3. I survived! take that mayan calendar crazies!
    -Kennedi Mayes

  4. I think I played put put that day...hmm
